Until few months before, I hadn’t even heard about Triberr, and now this is one of my regular blogging tool in my task scheduling calendar.
I am using it regularly to increase my social media engagement. And it works, really does.
At the time of writing this article, I got 7 Million reach on Triberr in less than 2 months. Here is my Triberr profile have a look.
Currently, I am a member of only 13 tribes which connects me with the network of my 560 tribemates as you can see on my profile page.
I was already using quite a list of social networking and sharing platforms like Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter and Instagram for the promotion of my blogs, but it wasn’t bringing enough like minded social engagement and traffic to my blog.
Sites like Facebook and Pinterest are great to build a user-base and initiate the traffic flow, but if you want better results you need something stronger. That’s exactly what I was looking for, and I found it in the form of Triberr.
In this Triberr guide, you will learn about the power of Triberr and how it can help you to generate more traffic and social engagement for your blog or website.

What is Triberr?
Triberr is the largest influencer platform, one of the best out there. And yes, it is solely meant for promoting your content and increasing social shares with the help of right influencers.
It is based on the idea that there are people out there who are willing to share a post if they like it.
Imagine hundreds of bloggers reading, sharing and discussing your blog content for free. What more can you expect from a free service?
Triberr helps you find the right influencers in your particular niche. This is the best thing I like about Triberr. I also got few interesting connections through Triberr.
You must have heard about finding the right audience but Triberr is not exactly to find an audience but the right influencers.
According to Dino Dogan the founder of Tribber,
Triberr is not really the one driving traffic. Triberr is only a tool.
It’s up to each and every one of us to build quality tribes, and write quality content. Triberr is simply a platform that helps you leverage existing relationships you have with bloggers, and build new ones.
Founder of Triberr
How Triberr Works?
Let me break it into small steps to better explain how Triberr works.
You can start by adding your blog RSS feeds into your Triberr account.
Then, you can start joining the Tribes (communities) of other bloggers in the same niche.
Once you succeed in building some reputation in the tribe through your content, you can expect everyone in the tribe to share your posts with their Twitter, Facebook, StumbleUpon and other social followers.
Yes, Triberr makes use of Twitter in the most amazing way. Suppose that a Tribe has 100 members/followers and all of them share your post on their Twitter handles.
Now, if each person has on average 100 followers on Twitter, your post can easily reach to up to 10k people. You also get a number of influencers who not only share your posts but also read them by visiting your blog/website.
I hope this explains well about the working of Triberr.
Triberr Guide: Step-by-Step Process To Setting Up Your Triberr Account
If you are looking for some definitive methods for increasing your social media engagement and traffic to your blog, you should definitely try this awesome social networking tool.
But before getting started with your social media reach you need to setup your Triberr account completely.
Let's get started with the step-by-step guide to setup your Triberr profile the perfect way.
#Step-1: First, you need to create an account on Triberr. You can simply sign-in with your social media accounts.

#Step-2: Then, go to your account settings from "Account" button, visible on the top right side of your screen.

#Step-3: Now complete your profile information. Profile picture, Username, bio, website link and time zone.

#Step-4: Next is to add a blog with your Triberr account. This one is a very important when setting up your Tribber account. You can add 2 blogs with Free membership account.

- First, you need to add a blog including RSS feed URL.
- Check feed to confirm importing your RSS feeds.
- Get plugin, it will help you to send your posts immediately to Tribber and allows your tribemates to view your posts in their Tribal Stream.
- After installing Triberr plugin it will ask you to add API blog token which you will find inside your "Show Blog Token" in the above screenshot.
Note: Assigning a blog to a tribe tells the system which blog's content should be imported into a specific tribe's stream. Please note, if only one blog is connected you are still required to assign the blog to a tribe if you want your blog posts to import into that tribe. And once a blog is assigned it will be locked for next 30 days.
#Step-5: With your free Triberr membership you are allowed to connect total 5 social networks which include (3 Twitter, 1 Facebook and 1 LinkedIn).
Once it is done, your Triberr account is ready to be used.

Triberr Prime plans and pricing
Find out more about Triberr Prime membership plans and pricing in the image below. And the features you'll get with your Triberr Prime account.

How to Get Started with Triberr? (Triberr Tips)
After you are done setting up your Tribber account here are few things you can do to increase the social sharing of your content and improve social engagement through Triberr.
Let's discuss how to get most out of your Triberr account.
1. Join the Tribes
To find and join a tribe on Triberr, click the Tribes link from the top navigation menu. There you will see two options "My Tribes" and "Explore New Tribes".
Inside "Explore new Tribes", select your niche category to find out relevant tribes. You can also filter the tribes’ list by reach and number of members. Check out the screenshot below for better instructions.

Remember that you can only choose to follow a tribe, not to become its member. You will become a member of a tribe only when its chief decides to invite you or promote your membership based on your tribe activity.
- Which Tribe to Join?
Instead of joining all or many tribes, start with joining the ones that are related to your niche. Make sure to join a tribe with an active chief.
You can check the member status by visiting the tribe page, as in the screenshot below. Only an active chief will promote you as a member of the tribe.

Join tribes with the largest reach. The reach of a tribe is mentioned along with its member details on the same page. See above image. Larger reach means your post will be seen by more people. It is ideal to join a tribe with over 100k reach.
If you are invited to join a tribe, you should definitely accept the invitation, but only if the group is relevant to you and has a good reach. This will substantially improve your Triberr reach.
If you can find one or more relevant tribes with all members and no (or very few) followers, you should definitely join them. This usually means that all followers are accepted as members of the tribe and you will too. As a follower, you are not allowed to share your posts. So being a follower of a high reach tribe is no good to you.
Do not send requests or follow a tribe that already has too many members. The chief will not accept more members after a certain limit, so it is better to avoid such tribes.
Join as many relevant tribes as possible to increase your reach. Actively participate in these tribes to improve your reach even more.
2. Become a Tribe Member
As we said earlier, becoming a member of a tribe is not completely in your control. Some tribes will accept you as a member right away, but many others will require time and effort on your part.
Here are some things you can do to increase your chances of becoming a member of a tribe.
Once you follow a tribe, you have the option to “Request a promotion.” You can request to be promoted as a member immediately. If the chief finds you active and good enough, your request may even be approved.
Start sharing extensively. Share the existing posts of other tribe members on as many platforms as you can. All your tribe activity is shown in your profile.
Install and use Triberr plugin to share articles with images. Images make an article more gorgeous and shareable.
Another tricky yet useful method to get promoted as a tribe member is by making friends with the chief. You can do so by writing useful comments on relevant posts and participating in discussions.
3. Create Your Own Tribes
Starting a tribe is like building your own niche specific community. You can create maximum 3 tribes with your free membership. Invite top influencers to join your tribes.
On the top navigation menu bar. Go to Tribes » My Tribes » "+ New Tribe". A pop up will be displayed asking for Tribe name, category and description.

Keep the focus on inviting members with the most Twitter followers. It will increase the total reach of your tribe and attract more like-minded people.
Creating a tribe will also establish you as a chief, which is a nice way to get more invites and shares.
Accept members in your tribe who are not already a part of other groups you are a member of. This way, you can get more new people and unique reach for your content. Also, make sure to add only relevant and active members to the group.
Always leave a few positions open, so that you can invite or promote people with more reach to your tribe. You should also invite the chiefs of other tribes you want to join. This way, you increase your chances of getting promoted to member in tribes owned by those chiefs.
Bonus Tip: As a chief of a tribe, you are allowed to send a private message to members of your tribe.

This is one interesting way to get interacted with top influencers and bloggers. You can ask them to invite you in their tribe.
4. Read the Post Content before Sharing
It is a good idea to read a post before sharing it with your Twitter followers. This will make sure that the post content is trusted and is good enough to be shared, and you might also end up getting some good tips.
Reading a post is also a good idea to build some context if you are planning to write a comment. As we said earlier, commenting can increase your chances of getting promoted as a member.
Clicking the link and reading the post can also help you find out and be friends with the right influencers in the same community.
5. Promote on Social Media
To increase your social reach and engagement, you first need to promote your Triberr profile on your existing social networking accounts including Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google Plus and email. This will help you get more followers and more reach.
Some other tips for driving more traffic using Triberr are mentioned below.
6. Complete your Triberr profile
A complete Triberr profile has more chances to get interacted with other triberrs. Try to use your real name with your original profile picture and not a brand name with a company logo.
Anyone wants to get connected with a real identity but a brand. If you display your real identity in your profile most of the like minded users would love to get connected.
A complete profile means your social media accounts need to be connected. Add a blog link to your profile.
Use a custom cover picture for your profile with visual content and one of the most important is your profile description in which you can write about yourself what you do, your work experience, and anything you want to tell about you and your work.
7. Comment on posts and respond to comments/replies
As I already mentioned about comments above in point #2 and #4. Commenting on other's posts is one better way to get connected with other bloggers. Everyone likes to get a quality comment on their posts.
This can also get you promoted as a tribe member on tribes where you are still just a follower. And commenting can also get you invitations from other active chiefs.
Quality comments on posts can also get you some good connections with top influencers. You can ignite a hot discussion just by commenting on a post.
That's the power of a quality comment.
8. Write more listing type posts
As per my experience about all of my social media networks. List articles and problem-solving tutorials are always more engaging than other articles. You can try it by yourself.
List articles always do the magic for better social media engagement and to attract more organic traffic on your blog.
9. Post Frequently and be Active
Your social media engagement depends on how active you are on that social network. Just getting signup on any social media network won't help you out much when it's related to your business.
You need to be more active on your social media networks to get a good social engagement.
There are many automation tools available to keep your social media accounts active. I have recently published an article on how you can stay active on your social media accounts.
Automation tools I use to stay more active on social media networks:
There are many great automation tools are available for this purpose. I personally use three tools Revive Old Post for sharing my old blog posts automatically, Quuu for sharing the top most converting articles on internet and Upflow for sharing my niche related articles only.
I always like to be more resourceful to my readers. So try out all these three resources I mentioned for you and let me know about your experience with them.
You will be amazed by the results.
Read the posts, visit the blogs, and comment on the blogs if possible.
Triberr is really an awesome tool to increase your social media shares. I am personally using it and haven't seen anything more effective than this.
It is also a quick way of funneling good traffic to your blog. By following these simple tips and becoming an active member of the tribes, you can succeed in driving more traffic and expanding your social reach through Triberr.
It is a platform where you will get like minded social connections, quality social engagement and a traffic that can be converted into your subscribers.
I hope you find my Triberr guide helpful and beneficial for your social media marketing. Feel free to ask me any doubts regarding Triberr using the comment section below.
And, don't forget to share this article on your social media networks.
If you already using Triberr or going to get registered soon. Don't forget to invite me to your tribes, I would love to be the part of your tribes. Here is my Triberr profile link.
Triberr resources curated by top most Triberr influencers that inspired me:
Tips by 25 top successful Triberr Influencers by Adam Connell
How To Use Triberr Effectively by Lisa Sicard
Triberr Tips to Increase Your Blog Traffic by Ryan Biddulph
Triberr Review: Why Does It Matter? by Dave Schneider
Triberr: Step by Step Guide to Being Heard by Anna Hoffman
Ultimate Guide To Using Triberr For Traffic by David Schneider
Here is one detailed Video Guide on Triberr by Ileane Smith