Blogging has transformed from being a hobby to being a professional in the recent times. Blogs are one of the best ways to share information regarding anything.
You can just go ahead and start a blog and start posting about anything you like. You can find all sorts of blogs in various different blogging niches. People usually start a blog as a hobby, but a person can also make their livelihood out of a blog as well.
You can also start a blog on some available free blogging platforms like,, and Medium etc.
But there are other platforms like Ghost,, and Tumblr.
Tumblr is a rethought format of blogging, which connects the social sharing with blogging, and hence people call Tumblr a social blogging platform.
There are a lot of things you can do on Tumblr, you can share all kinds of content in it. You get a blog page where the published content will be showcased.
The blog page can be designed and customized using the Tumblr themes.
In this post, I am going to share a list of top 35 FREE Tumblr themes that you can use on your Tumblr blog and make your Tumblr blog stand out from the rest!