How To Find The Tracking Code From Your Old Analytic Account

Kai // November 28, 2017 // 0 Comments

If you’re a Blogger or running any business website then you may know about Google Analytics and why is it best tool to track your Website traffic stats.

Google Analytics has pretty simple user interface to track your website’s daily performances, though there are already ample of great traffic analytic tools in market like and

But Google Analytic is still stands at the top of them due to many reasons.

Also Read: How To Add Google Analytics In WordPress Site

I’m already using Google Analytics on all of my personal websites/blogs. But recently when I was working on one of my client’s website. It was some basic design renovation work on that site and after finishing it, I had to put Analytics tracking code again on the website.

So I thought it’d be pretty easy to get Analytics code again for the website. I login to my client’s Analytic account and you won’t believe it was very annoying to find it out.

It almost took me 30 minutes to finally find out tracking code. I know it sounds pretty easy to find out tracking code again from old analytic account but for some people or newbies its pretty annoying stuff to do.

So today I’m going to guide you step by step process to get Google Analytics tracking code from your old Analytic account.

1. Login to your Analytic account.

2. After login, you’ll see this page – list of your all website associated with your analytic account.

How To Find The Tracking Code From Your Old Analytic Account


3. Click on “Admin” – Showing up in menu barHow to get Tracking Code From Your Old Analytic Account


4. There will be a drop-down option below the menu to select website and after selecting correct website click on “Tracking Info” and then click on “Tracking Code

How To Find The Tracking Code From Your Old Analytic Account


5. After clicking on “Tracking Code” you’ll redirected to new page and you can access your tracking code and put it on your website pages to activate Google Analytics on your website again.

How To Find The Tracking Code From Your Old Analytic Account

Also Read: How To Track Gmail Messages with Google Analytic

Just follow these easy steps and you’ll get your analytic code easily, I hope this posts works well for everyone.

About the Author Kai

Co-Founder of Loudtechie, a web developer and social media addict. Always keen to be part of interesting projects and has been creating profitable websites for over 6 years.

Alok Rana founder of LoudTechie. Like to share his blogging experience and resources with readers. Offering best money making blogging opportunities to new bloggers. He loves to talk about how to blog, SEO, Traffic Strategies and Marketing.

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