This roundup is going to cover up two significant issues which are yet to be answered. There are so many bloggers waiting to find out the right answer.
How I come up with these issues?
I personally experienced these issues on my blog and I did talk to few experts regarding the matter, but I'm still in doubts to find a proper way to improve or to solve it.
While doing some research on the topic, I found that it's not just me there are so many other bloggers being a victim of these same blogging issues which is not so hot in the search engine results.
So I got this idea to reach out to the top experts and marketers to find out what they have to say about these blogging challenges.
Let's see if we can get any suggestions, advices or any personal experience from them.
What Blogging Challenges are we talking about?
#1 - How to Transform your Target Audience?
Yes, this may sound weird to you as all you have ever heard about is how to identify your target audience or ways to identify your target audience but how come they don't relate to each other "TRANSFORMING" and "IDENTIFYING".
What I meant to be by "transforming target audience". To illustrate my question I have to make a confession. I started my blog with a wrong niche, but later after a year, I came to know that I am not perfect for that niche and I should be working on a niche in which I am good enough. So I switched my blog niche and since then I am working on my new niche which is of course blogging, SEO and Digital Marketing.
But now I can't be able to catch the audience with my new blog content. I am getting organic traffic, but 50%+ of that traffic is for my old content which is still on top ranking positions.
Now, even if I do create a high-quality content and get it ranked well on the search engines competing with others, I am not getting organic traffic to my new high-quality articles.
I like blogging challenges and love to solve mistakes done by other newbie bloggers, but this is the one I am stuck with for myself. Kindly help me to fix this.
#2 - How to Avoid getting Outranked by Reposting your existing Blog Content to sites like Medium?
Many of you may already know about this blogging issue, but there is still more to explore on this topic. You must have reposted your blog content to sites like LinkedIn, Medium, Growthhackers, inbound, etc.
There are still so many "DARES" while doing content repurposing or reposting your existing content to top content repurposing platforms.
One well-known tip on this topic is we should maintain a gap of a month while repurposing our blog content to top sites like Medium, just to avoid the outranking of our original content from the search engine results.
So just to be on a safe side, I would like to ask top bloggers and digital marketers what they prefer and suggest to do to avoid outranking by content repurposing. Also, what do you think about content duplication when reposting your content.
And, how canonical links can help us in this matter?
Lets find out what our experts has to say about these blogging challenges:
Q1 - How to Transform your Target Audience?
A1 - Make sure that if you change niches that you trash all old content and your old blog. Start intelligently.
Start with a new domain name, new brand and new blog. This cuts your learning curve by years. You won't be starting fresh; you will be starting from a clear, successful space.
Let go the old and worn out. Make room for the new and exciting. I trashed 3,400 blog posts, an old blog and brand to make room for Blogging From Paradise. I saw immediate success with BFP because I didn't have old, worn out content from a different niche holding me back. Let go to grow.
I trashed 3,400 blog posts, an old blog and brand to make room for Blogging From Paradise
Q2 - How to avoid getting Outranked by Reposting your existing blog content to sites like Medium?
A2 - I only post my blog content to my blog. Big fan of not publishing my blog content anywhere else only because repurposing the same piece of content diminishes its value.
If people can get the post on Medium, or anywhere else, why would they subscribe to your blog?
If you do repurpose content, stick to creating a video and podcast of your blog post. Change the content medium but make posts to your blog exclusive, to increase the value of the post and your blog.
Q1 - How to Transform your Target Audience?
A1 - This really depends on how related/unrelated your new niche is. And it also depends on how much traffic you're already getting if shifting completely is the right move or not.
For me, I do a lot of expanding into new niches. That doesn't mean I'm ditching my old audience. It just means I'm expanding the blog and creating new content to attract a new audience.
You really have to go about this carefully. You don't want to get into a situation where your old audience members are wondering what happened. If that's the case, you might be better off starting a new site completely. But again, this also depends on how much traction you've built up already.
I do a lot of expanding into new niches. That doesn't mean I'm ditching my old audience. It just means I'm expanding the blog and creating new content to attract a new audience
Q2 - How to avoid getting Outranked by Reposting your existing blog content to sites like Medium?
A2 - Medium is pretty good at automatically importing your content and adding a rel=canonical tag to it to credit your original source.
The way I do it is to create a different headline for it, and cutting out a lot of the article and adding in only the most important parts.
However, even if your repurposed post was outranking yours, I still don't see this as a huge problem. You can direct all the traffic on Medium to your original post by linking to it.
Even if the content is on another property, it still serves the same purpose.
Q1 - How to Transform your Target Audience?
A1 - Well, as long as you thoroughly optimize, you can really rank for any kind of keywords.
My site, for example, has some amazing posts about eyebrow threading, which I posted in an experiment to show that even my marketing blog could get a lot of traffic from a totally unrelated niche if I simply write solid content and pick low competition keywords.
So, write good stuff and pick keywords no one is writing on.
As long as you thoroughly optimize, you can really rank for any kind of keywords?
Q2 - How to avoid getting Outranked by Reposting your existing blog content to sites like Medium?
A2 - You do not have to worry about that. Just go ahead and republish your content on other sites. I think in the long run, it will do more good than bad.
Q1 - How to Transform your Target Audience?
A1 - If you are planning to switch your niche, I would recommend you to start a separate blog. If your transition is to a small extent, consider tweaking the existing content to match the new niche, and wait for the audience to grow up naturally.
For this reason only, I suggest newbie bloggers start with a brandable domain in place. Starting with a small niche and later expanding to other niche is easy if your domain name is broad and brandable.
Rather than starting a blog like, start something like
If your transition is to a small extent, consider tweaking the existing content to match the new niche, and wait for the audience to grow up naturally.
Q2 - How to avoid getting Outranked by Reposting your existing blog content to sites like Medium?
A2 - Getting outranked by sites like Medium is the main issue for new blogs. There’s nothing to worry about. As your site starts growing, the original content outranks these content aggregator sites.
I would avoid repurposing content on different platforms especially when you blog is new. Or else, I would tweak the content a bit and republish.
Wait for your blog to gain authority.
Q1 - How to Transform your Target Audience?
A1 - This can be tough. But defining your target audience is a good start.
Ultimately, write for your audience. Promote your content to your audience. If that audience shifts and changes then continue to target that new or refined audience.
It will take time but having a site with some authority will help. If you radically change direction it may take longer and maybe you need to start promoting your new content as Google does not see that as your area of expertise.
Or, it could be another factor like the new area you are targeting is just more competitive. There are lots of variables but if you focus on creating great, helpful content for your target audience then over time you will reap the rewards.
Write for your audience. Promote your content to your audience. If that audience shifts and changes then continue to target that new or refined audience.
Q2 - How to avoid getting Outranked by Reposting your existing blog content to sites like Medium?
A2 - The strategy we use at my SEO agency, Bowler Hat, is to create epic content on our own site and then satellite pieces on third-party sites.
We can then modify the article on a third party site like Medium by linking to our own article.
This builds some referral traffic and ensures our own article is the best answer to the bigger question.
Q1 - How to Transform your Target Audience?
A1 - Transforming your target audience is NOT easy especially when you’re targeting the wrong audience from the launch of your blog. But yes, it’s possible to always define your own audience.
Here’s what works. Make sure to focus on picking 2 to 3 topics only for creating content. That way you will start generating an audience for those specific topics and once start building links, you get more traffic and sales.
Make sure to focus on picking 2 to 3 topics only for creating content. That way you will start generating an audience for those specific topics and once start building links, you get more traffic and sales.
Q2 - How to avoid getting Outranked by Reposting your existing blog content to sites like Medium?
A2 - One simple tip is to build as many links as possible before repurposing your content to major publishing platforms like Medium or Quora.
Also, don’t copy paste your content into those platforms.
While creating content for Medium or Quora, write your own answers and make sure to link back to your original content at the end of the post (you can ask people to read more information by using your link). That way you can easily avoid that problem.
Q1 - How to Transform your Target Audience?
A1 - I completely understand your situation. I had the same problem when I first launched my blog as well.
For starters, it's very hard to find a niche that's not only profitable but also fits your interests - because, as you seem to have realized it from your own experience, it takes passion to keep writing for months or years about anything at all.
As for transforming your target audience, well, the hard truth is that you can't change people.
From what you told me, Alok, you are getting the majority of your traffic from SEO, organic traffic from search engines, so basically from folks who are searching for answers for a specific question. This means they are even less likely to be interested in any other topic than the one they are searching about.
You've also said that you "create a high-quality content and get it ranked well on the search engines" but are still not getting traffic to your new content. Now that's something you want to focus on.
Ask yourself; why, exactly, aren't you getting traffic on these ranked contents? Is it because of your targeted keyword? Are you in the top 3 on the SERP?
As for transforming your target audience, well, the hard truth is that you can't change people.
Q2 - How to avoid getting Outranked by Reposting your existing blog content to sites like Medium?
A2 - The short answer is you can't. The long answer is that site aggregated content like Medium or Quora are more authoritative than most independent blogs, which means there is a huge chance that Google would favour them over your blog.
In this case, I would suggest you establish your end goal for each post. If you are looking to expand your social network then reposting on Medium is great for that. However, for SEO purpose, it's not a good idea at all.
Q1 - How to Transform your Target Audience?
A1 - Let’s say you started blogging about “Social Media,” then later moved to “Android,” both are extremely different topics, but there are some key things you need to understand:
1) What’s your blog’s name? You can’t have a domain name with the keywords “Social Media” and talk about “Android Rooting” stuff. It’s okay to have 2-3 articles, but if your entire blog is about that, then it’ll be a colossal disaster. So, first things first, change the domain name. Rebrand your blog and inform the world about this.
2) Interlinking Articles! Your old articles might be getting good traffic from Google, but if you can’t manage to get the same for your new ones, then that’s because they are new, of course, then it might be because you just switched your niche. Just interlink your new articles with your old ones and do a good promotion on your social profiles.
Update your blog frequently, rank for small-small keywords that’ll help your blog to reach the correct destination.
Update your blog frequently, rank for small-small keywords that’ll help your blog to reach the correct destination.
Q2 - How to avoid getting Outranked by Reposting your existing blog content to sites like Medium?
A2 - Websites like,, or take any popular forum, they already rank well because of their existing authority. If you are going to republish or repost your content there, then leave a gap, let your original article get good ranking first.
Mention clearly on or any other website that your website is the ‘original’ source for the content published there.
I don’t usually do this, I publish the main article on our blog and just share it on the social media, we don’t really want our full content to be present on anywhere else apart from our blog.
Q1 - How to Transform your Target Audience?
A1 - I was actually in this position.
When I first started blogging in 2014, I wrote a great deal about relationships and politics. I was all over the place; I didn't have a niche.
One of the political essays I wrote in 2014 was called Presidents are People Too (
Then, in 2015, I switched to writing about blogging tips. I've been writing about blogging and marketing tips ever since. However, about six months ago, there was a popular podcast called "Presidents are People Too. Although it was unrelated to my article, search engine users assumed there was a connection and clicked my link.
How did I deal with it? I didn't. I was happy for the additional traffic.
How to transform my readers? As soon as I started blogging exclusively about blogging tips, my readers understood this was my niche now. It can take time to rank on Google. Over time, my blogging tips posts began to rank on Google and none of my previous articles.
My advice: Be patient. Patience works in many areas of blogging like search engine ranking.
How to transform my readers? As soon as I started blogging exclusively about blogging tips, my readers understood this was my niche now.
Q2 - How to avoid getting Outranked by Reposting your existing blog content to sites like Medium?
A2 - Yours is an interesting question.
I know people concerned about getting penalized for duplicate content but not concerned by having their own content outranked.
What does Google like? Google likes the following:
- A mix of text and media like graphics.
- in-depth reporting.
- Comments
- Social shares
- Links
My blog posts have these things, not my repurposed curated content.
Case in point: I rank for my Kingged review:
I put the same review on
Yet, only the content from my blog, the original article, ranks, not the curated article.
Again, my original article has what Google wants to show its search engine users, so predictably the article from my blog ranks and not the curated version.
Knowing what Google likes to rank has helped me not to worry about it. I'm not concerned. If bloggers make sure their articles have what Google likes, they don't have to worry either.
Q1 - How to Transform your Target Audience?
A1 - You can't.
Think about it - you're asking people to adapt to your needs and make you feel comfortable.
If a blogger said that to me, I'd run the other way!
Readers don't have any obligation to bloggers, so you can't expect them to follow you at a moment's notice.
In other words, you can't "transform" your target audience. All you can do is bend to the will of your audience and adapt to their needs.
If you can't make people notice your content and are still attracting traffic from your old posts that have nothing to do with your current niche, then I suggest that you create a new site for your SEO and digital marketing content and continue producing similar content to the ones already ranking on your site.
Shifting content topics on the same site will confuse and alienate your audience.
You can't "transform" your target audience. All you can do is bend to the will of your audience and adapt to their needs.
Q2 - How to avoid getting Outranked by Reposting your existing blog content to sites like Medium?
A2 - To avoid getting outranked, you need to wait for two weeks tops for Google and other search engines to index your page.
To expedite the indexing process, you can ping search engines with your new content and share it on social media to increase its social signals.
You will know if the post has been indexed once you can find the post on Google using the post's title as your search query.
From there, you're free to republish your content on Medium, web 2.0 sites, and others at will.
Q1 - How to Transform your Target Audience?
A1 - Google is getting ultra complex by the day, so if you have a blog on topic A, and suddenly want to gain exposure with the audience on topic B, it's going to need a complete makeover.
Simply changing your content won't work. What "Other" think of your site matters more, rather than what you think is on your site. That's the reason why Backlinks, Social Signals, Time on site, pogosticking and all the factors come into play because they are user-generated (Gene?rally).
First of all, you'll need to "identify" your new target audience, whom exactly do you wish to target. Then, see if there's any remote connection between your existing content and your new content, if yes, the older content can be slightly repurposed to redirect visitors from the old content to the new ones.
If they're totally unrelated, in my personal opinion; abandoning the site and starting a new one is a much better option. Because over time you must have had created a social presence and backlink profile with your older content which Google detects and it's hard for you to tell it that you've suddenly taken up a new niche.
If you're unwilling to do that, I'll say and Reddit are good places to start, to let the world know that you've got a blog on the such and such topic. Generate buzz around it on social networks, and every other platform you can find.
You need to let Google know that you've shifted your content type, try to get shared by authorities in your new niche, obviously guest posts around that niche are a good idea, it'll take some time for your new backlinks profile and everything else to overshadow your older one, but it'll eventually happen.
Another option is running Adwords, as its a direct Google venture, running ads on a specific keyword will let Google know that you've targeted those keywords for your site. Although this is a totally personal opinion and perspective and it may or may not actually work cause Google may not take into account anything from Adwords into SERPS.
It's just something I'm willing to play with and experiment around if I had to transform my target audience.
Obviously do not copy paste, write couple paragraphs full of data letting them know you're the real deal, leave the readers hungry for more and leave a link to your main content.
Q2 - How to avoid getting Outranked by Reposting your existing blog content to sites like Medium?
A2 - There's very little you can do to "control" competition.
I'd rather just keep the content on such authority sites short, but highly informative. Obviously do not copy paste, write couple paragraphs full of data letting them know you're the real deal, leave the readers hungry for more and leave a link to your main content.
That way, even if they rank high, the audience would come over to your site eventually, and as your content is longer would spend more time there, once this adds up Google finally ranks you higher cause audience from Site A is going to site B and staying there longer = Site B's content is better.
Q1 - How to Transform your Target Audience?
A1 - It all depends on why you wanted to change your niche. If your blog in the first niche you choose was unsuccessful, then you probably don't have regular readers. And the posts don't rank. That's why you decide to change your niche and try something different.
If you do have a loyal audience of your old content, but you just want to blog about something else because of your personal interest, then you have two options.
- If the two niches are related and target the same audience, then you can start a new category on your blog. For example, if you blog about parenting and how to raise your children, and you can add another category about cooking on the same site. Both topics target the same demographics (middle-aged married women).
- If the two niches are totally different then it's best to build a new site. Like if your blog is about makeup and you want to start writing about haunting, then it makes no sense to do it on the same site.
So, the questions that you must ask yourself are:
How much success do I have with my existent content (check your website traffic, the number of posts that are ranking, and how much conversions you have)?
Is it useful, from an SEO perspective, to blog about something else on the same site?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of starting a new site?
Analyse all the options and then decide.
If the two niches are related and target the same audience, then you can start a new category on your blog.
Q2 - How to avoid getting Outranked by Reposting your existing blog content to sites like Medium?
A2 - If you want to syndicate your content to sources that you are afraid may outrank you, you may want to consider using the HTML tag rel=canonical.
Content syndication is an excellent way to gain links and build brand awareness.
Another huge benefit is scalability. If you do it correctly, that is. If not, the sources you release to may outrank you due to their size and presence on the web. This status is the reason you want the put your content on these sites, anyway, right?
To avoid this, you should implement the rel=canonical tag. Not only does this tag indicate to Google that you're the originating source to prevent duplications, but it also points all of that linked traffic back to your domain. Just add the rel=canonical tag to all of the republished posts. Be sure to ask the linking site to use this tag, or you'll miss out on these benefits.
Another trick to complete the task of content syndication is to use the noindex tag as well. Using this in conjunction with rel=canonical will ensure you get the maximum benefit from your syndication. This way you don't lose organic search traffic and will cut down on the risk of being outranked by the syndicating site.
Q1 - How to Transform your Target Audience?
A1 - Here is what I think.
"Let's take an example, if you visit a travel website, you love it but in your mind, you also seek to learn about something else.
Transforming your audience can be tricky. The question arises as if why would you want to change your niche in the first place? And if you want to change it even after having a loyal audience, you should think twice.
Well, making people fall for something different can be done slowly. You can't just switch instantly. Give your readers the hint what you have in your mind. Start posting the new niche you want to master into.
- The human mind is quite intuitive to get what others intend to do.
- Start with writing a post explaining your new passion
- Connect with your current audience
- Record the responses (Comments)
- Send a special email newsletter to give them the reason to come again
- Take some time for the total shifting
You may have seen many people shifting from blogging to SEO, blogging to WordPress development, and a lot more.
Just be open to what you want to do. People love passionate individuals"
Transforming your audience can be tricky. The question arises as if why would you want to change your niche in the first place? And if you want to change it even after having a loyal audience, you should think twice.
Q2 - How to avoid getting Outranked by Reposting your existing blog content to sites like Medium?
A2 - "The platforms like Medium and LinkedIn Pulse are amazing. I have been publishing on them for a very long time. To be safe, you should never just copy and paste the full post of yours.
?I would recommend to publish one-third of the content and then add a Call To Action button.
I prefer to write only 300 words on both the platforms and then redirect that traffic to my blog. And from the last couple of years, I am quite satisfied with the results. It would be great if you can modify your article for these platforms.
Just an effort of few minutes and you will have a different traffic. It would be much better if you use the different images and quotes inside your Medium post."
Q1 - How to Transform your Target Audience?
A1 - The best way to transform your target audience is to post great content, become highly visible, and connect with influencers who can help raise your visibility.
You need to get seen and heard. Uncover leaders in your niche, put them into a Twitter list and watch them carefully. Go to where they are. Get aligned with them. Participate in relevant Twitter chats. Start a community and be a resource to them.
And be advised, this is a long game. It's a marathon, not a sprint. Work hard on this strategy every day and over time you'll get results.
It's a marathon, not a sprint. Work hard on this strategy every day and over time you'll get results.
Q2 - How to avoid getting Outranked by Reposting your existing blog content to sites like Medium?
A2 - My strategy is waiting one week before I post my blog articles to Medium and LinkedIn. I have found this works best.
Others say you only need to wait 24 hours. I'm not comfortable with that. My comfort zone is one week.
Q1 - How to Transform your Target Audience?
A1 - This is an excellent question to ask, I have seen many newbies bloggers struggling to get organic traffic after they had their niche changed despite posting quality content and rightly, so, this tends to happen because the blog readers associate your old content to yourself and not to the current one, it is unavoidable.
But there is a way around it, let us assume that your old niche was about sports drinks and you want to change your niche into sports accessories or anything that you want, whatever that is, the process is rather simple.
What do you have to do is, link your old content to your new niche by writing an interlinking article, this article can be about anything as long as it has a relating link between your old and new niche. This process is known as file out structure or internal linking.
This is an easy and effective way to redirect your old organic traffic to your new niche blog without waiting for the tide to change.
Link your old content to your new niche by writing an interlinking article, this article can be about anything as long as it has a relating link between your old and new niche
Q2 - How to avoid getting Outranked by Reposting your existing blog content to sites like Medium?
A2 - I am wading through murky waters here because I don’t have any direct experience regarding this situation, but if I had to make an educated guess, I would recommend "Cross-linking"
There are many ideas out there about how to avoid this situation correctly, but most of them are just ideas and no definitive way has been discovered about how to overcome it.
What I would do is that I would write up an article on a topic that is related to the content that I am trying repurpose and post.
After writing up that content, I would crosslink them to each other, for example; I would link my existing blog content to a newly written related article on a medium to that I am trying to repurpose and post my old and current content, and vice versa.
Again, this is just an idea and I would recommend that you should delve deeper into this.
Q1 - How to Transform your Target Audience?
A1 - Well, I am not a magician down here with transforming the target audience BUT I was just covering every single topic which I had thought in my mind through my only and single blog.
After spending some years on it and without getting any good result out of it, something struck my mind and one guy helped me in this regard.
By following his advice from 2015, I have the right niche which I love to write on and also my readers love reading about.
I found that one topic is the only medium to make the audience around.
The doctor becomes so known when he practices the doctorship, not by running the grocery store and expect people should call him the doctor.
Just ONE topic, only!
I found that one topic is the only medium to make the audience around.
Q2 - How to avoid getting Outranked by Reposting your existing blog content to sites like Medium?
A2 - I actually don't care about it.
My only desire is to reach more eyeballs whether through social sites, or content repurposing sites like Medium, LinkedIn, GrowthHacker, etc. 🙂
Q1 - How to Transform your Target Audience?
A1 - If you already have an existing site with content and watch to readjust to a new niche market, you have a few different options. One of the best would be to delete most of your site content that isn't relevant to your new focus.
I would run a DA/PA and SEMRush checker on all of your posts before deleting them. Keep any that already have some nice backlinks and rankings, but you can then scrap the rest.
Be sure to focus on high-quality content and longer articles, versus just coming out with new (shorter) articles every day.
Be sure to focus on high-quality content and longer articles, versus just coming out with new (shorter) articles every day.
Q2 - How to avoid getting Outranked by Reposting your existing blog content to sites like Medium?
A2 - A lot of people/brands like repurposing their content. It's not really something I've ever done.
I'm sure it works well if you have a nice following on other platforms and social networks, but it's not something I personally do or recommend.
If I did do this however, I would only post an excerpt and then try to get audiences to end up on my main site.
Q1 - How to Transform your Target Audience?
A1 - When you switch to a new niche, Google lowers the value of backlinks pointing to the website pages. It takes time to build authority in that particular niche.
To make your new content rank higher in search engines, keep writing long in-depth content and share them with relevant communities/groups to drive targeted traffic. Besides that, make sure that you build backlinks from relevant sites and that could be done through manual guest posting, blog commenting, etc.
It will take some time as the value of backlinks built earlier goes down. So, you have to work harder to build authority in the new niche you are working in through content strategy, guest posting, social sharing etc.
To make your new content rank higher in search engines, keep writing long in-depth content and share them with relevant communities/groups to drive targeted traffic.
Q2 - How to avoid getting Outranked by Reposting your existing blog content to sites like Medium?
A2 - Yes, it happens a lot. Reddit and some other communities generally outrank for the same keyword that I was targeting. I have only one solution for it.
Target different keywords for your pages and the content that you are posting on other authority sites. This will create many sources of traffic.
Now that you got to know what all experts have to say about these blogging challenges I hope you got this issue resolved pretty soon.
I was shocked to know that every expert has their different strategy to resolve these blogging issues. I didn't expect to get so many different strategies by the experts, but this roundup gave me the right answers to my issues and now it will be easy to resolve it.
Now, What strategy I'm going to use here?
Here are few tips and strategies I'm going to follow:
- Decide what specific new niche you want to get start with.
- Filter and delete your old content (you can also run PA/DA test using Moz tool on your old posts)
- And, only keep those that are somewhat relevant to your new site niche, those getting organic traffic to your site, those ranked well on the search engines and those who have high-quality backlinks.
- Now modify your old content to match a bit with your new site niche. (Use Optimized interlinking strategy)
- Now you can start working on your new site niche.
If you still have doubts regarding these issues feel free to ask via the comment box below. I would be more than happy to answers your doubts.
Or if there are any other blogging challenges that you are facing right now share with us so that we can cover them up for our next roundup.