How To Create Custom Email Address For Your Domain Using Gmail

Alok // August 5, 2017 // 3 Comments

Earlier it was really difficult for people who own a company, organization or personal domain name to manage email in a neat way as the email provided by web host is not really up to the mark.

So the easy way for them was to use Gmail (as it is neat and easy to manage) but they had to use, which doesn’t look professional.


In addition, it also looks like they are promoting Gmail instead of their own domain.

But now Google has come up with G Suite, which is easy to use and allow you to use your custom email address with your domain name to access Gmail and doesn’t charge much for it.

How To Create Custom Email Address For Your Domain Using Gmail

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So, Why G Suite?

  • Because it allows you to use a custom email address with your domain name.
  • It is more organized and easy to use than the email which is provided by your web host services.
  • If you are thinking of forwarding all the emails from custom domain to your Gmail then remember it is better to have one email for all the works, it saves time and is more organized then to use multiple emails for single use.

Here’s how you can create a custom email address using Gmail for your domain:

  • You should own a domain name, be it a personal domain name or domain name for an organization from the domain registrar sites like GoDaddy, NameCheap, CanSpace etc.
  • Then visit the official page of G Suite Free Trial.
  • Click on the "start free trial" to use G Suite for free for 14 days without even filling any card information. (If you liked working with G Suite you can find my exclusive 20% discount coupons at the bottom of this guide)
  • Now they will ask for some basic required information about you and your business.
  • You can also choose between two options that are Express and Custom to fill up the basic information. Express is a short way and require minimal information and if you are a beginner then it is best for you. In Custom, you have to fill all the information for better security and it is recommended only when you are not a beginner.
  • After that, G Suite will ask you to verify your domain name because it is the necessary to confirm, that particular domain name belongs to you or not. Some people try to access a domain name that doesn’t belong to them so this step helps Google to keep them away.
  • You can easily verify your domain name by inserting an HTML tag in your header file. All you need to do is copy the given code and go to Appearance » Editor » header.php and paste that code anywhere before </head> tag. You can also use WP plugin 'Insert Headers and Footers' for this task.
  • Next, click on "verify" to complete the last step of setting up your G Suite account.
  • Now, if you are done with all the steps, login to your G Suite account. Now your account has got set up, from here you can go to "Users" to add new users with custom email addresses as if it is a Gmail for any organization more than one user will access it and that too at a minimal charge.
  • Log out when your work is done and that’s it you don’t have to do anything more than this.

Exclusive G Suite discount coupons: (Save 20% on your first year buy - one code for one company and all its users or clients)

G Suite Discount Codes for India (Click to Reveal)

G Suite Discount Codes for US (Click to Reveal)

Note: You can only use one code per company and client, and it will apply 20% discount for all users of that domain or client. Each coupon code will only work one time, and they give the discount per user for all users using that domain (url).

Feel free to ask me for more coupon codes if all 5 are used already.

Before starting up with your G Suite, learn some basic tips to manage your G suite.

If you are still in any doubts about using Gmail custom email address for your own domain. You can ask your question using the comment section below.

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About the Author Alok

Alok Rana founder of LoudTechie. Like to share his blogging experience and resources with readers. Offering best money making blogging opportunities to new bloggers. He loves to talk about how to blog, SEO, Traffic Strategies and Marketing.

Alok Rana founder of LoudTechie. Like to share his blogging experience and resources with readers. Offering best money making blogging opportunities to new bloggers. He loves to talk about how to blog, SEO, Traffic Strategies and Marketing.

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