Your company has a voice and a story. Your goal as a marketer is to get this story to its intended audience to drive sales through it.
Since one of the chief areas of your focus is going to be content creation, it helps to have two distinct people or teams handling your business’s user experience (UX) writing and copywriting, respectively. The difference here is subtle but significant. Even if the two functions are going to be handled by the same team, it helps if the distinctions are acknowledged and referred to for guidance. If you want to know these differences, you can check this article and dig further.
As you prepare to design a unified marketing strategy for your content, here are some pointers to help you with the ‘how’ part of it all:
1. Synchronize Your Online And Offline Marketing
Your online and offline marketing is an extension of each other. You can’t easily measure the return of investment (ROI) for your offline marketing but a good way to make it all count is to start with the obvious: your offline branding material should be synchronized with your online branding. This will help the customer to recognize the same business or brand despite using different platforms.

In addition, your offline content may have a design that leads people back to your online platforms. You can also use your offline platforms to market the same material you’re advertising online. For an instance, if you’ve invested in billboards, TV, direct mail, among others to market your products and services offline, you could also market the same products on your digital platforms as well.
2. Identify Search Intent
Search Intent refers to the goal a user has in mind when searching for specific keywords. Your success in this aspect will be measured by how much your content can meet various, specific search intents.
Identify your potential client’s search intent then identify keywords associated with that intent and use them to piece together your next content creation for both your online and offline content. If you’re going to be investing good money in your direct mail marketing, social media, or radio then you should recognize the exact language that will grab the attention of your prospective buyers.
It might take a while for a person to decide on whether to ignore your content or not. So, you need to be compelling from the get-go. Doing that requires knowledge that’s very specific to your audience approach. You do this by optimizing your content’s keywords on every platform used by your business.
3. Implement A Cross-platform Strategy To Collect Email Addresses
You might already know it’s a good idea to include a button on your online platforms which allows your visitors to subscribe to your content. But did you know you could do the same offline as well?
If you have a physical store, you can collect the email addresses of the people that visit your store and add them to those you collect online. Similarly, your offline efforts should hype up your potential clients to go and make a certain action online, like follow you on your social media platforms, make a purchase, or just read the content.
4. Create A Tracking Strategy
As mentioned earlier, ROI can be difficult to track for offline marketing efforts. Notwithstanding the difficulty, tracking your ROI it's still possible.
If you want to isolate the rate of your offline marketing productivity from your online market, then you need to create a system which will allow you to track these numbers separately.
It's imperative for you as a marketer to know which medium is yielding the most results so it will be easier to manage your marketing resources and evaluate the department that still needs to be optimized. Budget allocation, in order to be effective, has to be thoroughly computed, planned based on concrete data, and should be guided with a metric system.
To achieve this, you can designate individual URLs and phone numbers for your offline platform to easily isolate the clients generated through it. In this way, you can better assess the number of traffic made by both of your online and offline marketing platforms.
5. Make Your Content Easy To Digest
While you may have a good flow of web elements, a good overall design entails having easy-to-digest content. Whether you have a short or long article, it’s best to apply the following tips to ensure content that appeals to your intended audience:
Your online and offline marketing are inseparable. They support and complement each other in different ways, hence there’s a need for you to create content that adheres to this fact.
When trying to unify your content and design across all platforms you’ll need to create a plan to help you maintain coherence and maximize effectiveness.